• CSIRO, National Hydrogen Roadmap, 2020
• Mizuno , Y. et al., 2017, Journal of Japan Society of Energy & Resources Vol. 38(3) 11-17.
Initial phase 1; project 100 t/d hydrogen supply from Scotland to Germany. Future phases to scale up in Scotland and Germany and expand to supply from Spain/Portugal as the market in NW Europe develops.
Phase 1, up to 300 MW renewable electricity required sourced from solar/wind power via a long term power purchase agreement (PPA).
Liquid hydrogen delivered by purpose designed and built hydrogen fuel cell powered tanker to Germany, possibly via Rotterdam (import terminal).
Industrially proven off-the-shelf large-scale industrial alkaline electrolysis and liquefaction units. Zero loss liquid hydrogen tank technology proven by NASA.
Liquid hydrogen export “whole supply chain” has significant cost, safety, environmental and operational advantages over alternative green ammonia and liquid organic hydrogen carrier (LOHC) supply chains.
Scalable to 300 t/d using additional electrolyser and liquefaction units and the same tanker and terminals.